Gaius octavius augustus biography examples

How did augustus became emperor

Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus (born Gaius Octavius; 23 September 63 BC – 19 August AD 14), also known as Octavian (Latin: Octavianus), was the founder of the Roman Empire.

gaius octavius augustus biography examples

How old was augustus when he died

Augustus Caesar (27 BCE - 14 CE) was the name of the first and, by most accounts, greatest Roman emperor.

How did augustus die

Augustus (27 BCE CE) was the first Roman Emperor and Founder of the Principate, also known as the Early Roman Empire (27 BCE CE). He effectively changed the Roman .
Augustus achievements
Augustus, also called Octavian (adopted name Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus), was the founder of the Roman Empire and its first emperor.