Diane kurys et alexandre arcady biography

24 days

En , Diane Kurys rencontre Alexandre Arcady, avec qui, en , elle part vivre en Israël dans un kibboutz près de la frontière libanaise et dont elle aura, en , un fils, Yacha, qui deviendra écrivain sous le nom de Sacha Sperling.
diane kurys et alexandre arcady biography

Diane kurys et alexandre arcady biography

Find out where Diane Kurys was born, their birthday and details about their professions, education, religion, family and other life details and facts.

Hold up

In , with his partner, director Diane Kurys, he founded a production company with which he produced the hit PEPPERMINT SODA, as well as COCKTAIL MOLOTOV ().
What the day owes the night
Alexandre Arcady (born 17 March ) is a French actor, film director, producer and screenwriter.