Agapi stassinopoulos arianna huffington biography

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Arianna Stassinopoulos Huffington (née Ariadnē-Anna Stasinopoúlou; Greek: Αριάδνη-Άννα Στασινοπούλου, pronounced [ariˈaðni ˈana stasinoˈpulu]; born July 15, ) is a Greek American author, syndicated columnist and businesswoman.
agapi stassinopoulos arianna huffington biography

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Read the full biography of Agapi Stassinopoulos, including facts, birthday, life story, profession, family and more.

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Currently, Agapi is facilitating workshops and seminars for Thrive Global, a company founded by her sister, Arianna Huffington, to help change the way we work and live around the world and Missing: biography.

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Arianna Stasinopoulos naceu en Atenas, Grecia, filla de Konstantinos (xornalista e consultor de xestión) e Elli (de solteira Georgiadi) Stasinopoulos, e é a irmá de Agapi (escritora, locutora e actriz).